Flight Training
At Freedom Air, we believe that training is about more than checking boxes and meeting minimum FAA requirements. We equip you with a tangible set of skills that will keep you and your family safe, enhance your enjoyment of the aircraft, and give you the tools you’ll need to be a fully proficient pilot. Your Freedom Air training program will be customized for maximize engagement and will always focus on safety and proficiency.
Led by veteran pilot Devin MacDonald, the Freedom Air Flight Training Program offers a full-range of FAA-certified courses specific to the Eclipse. Devin has more than a decade of experience flying the Eclipse, serving as an instructor, mentor, DPE/PPE, and former Director of Training for Eclipse Aerospace. With his unique background, including extensive part 135 charter and international experience, Devin help you realize the potential of your aircraft in the safest manner possible.
Eclipse 500/550 Single Pilot Type Rating Course (EA500S)
This ten-day initial course will prepare you to fly your Eclipse Jet proficiently and, most importantly, safely. The Freedom Air training program exceeds the FAA minimum required training. Pilots transitioning to their first jet-type rating or pilots needing more practice may opt for additional training to demonstrate skills required by the ATP/Type Rating Practical Test Standards. As experts in this arena, we have trained countless pilots of every age and experience-level.
Fee: $12,500 plus transportation, lodging and meals*
Eclipse 500/550 Pilot-in-Command Type Rating course (EA500)
This eight-day initial course is designed for pilots who are transitioning to their first multi-engine airplane or first type rating and plan to fly with another Eclipse rated pilot. Successful completion of this course earns a full PIC type rating (with second in command required limitation)
Fee: $10,000 plus transportation, lodging and meals*.
Recurrent 61.58 Training
All light jet pilots must complete a recurrent training program every 12 months. This two-day program combines classroom instruction with in-flight practice and covers all of the basics of flying an Eclipse.
Areas covered include:
Aircraft systems
Seasonal and safety issues
Common fleet issues
Instrument proficiency
IFMS operations
Eclipse updates
Fee: $2,495 plus transportation, lodging and meals*
Eclipse 500/550 companion training course
This half-day course is a fun and engaging way to share your passion for flying with your spouse or frequent passenger. Our companion course focuses on the basics of the aircraft and covers how a passenger can safely and calmly get an aircraft back on the ground should the need ever arise. This course can be completed concurrently with initial or recurrent training or it can be taken as a stand-alone training.
Areas covered include:
Introduction to the Eclipse and basic aircraft handling
Emergency radio communications
Use of autopilot
Loading and performing ILS and GPS approaches
Check list usage
Landings and securing the aircraft
Fee: $500 as an add-on to initial or recurrent training; $700 if a stand alone. Transportation, lodging and meals not included.
Eclipse 500/550 mentor training
After obtaining your Eclipse type rating, the final phase of the Freedom Air training program is FAA required mentor training. We will tailor this real-world flight training to your typical Eclipse missions and help you transition from the type training environment to operating your aircraft in the Airspace system. Duration of training is dictated by the FAA (SOE limitation placed on your certificate) or insurance providers.
Fee: $800 per day plus transportation, lodging and meals*
*All prices subject to change based on location of training.
“I have been conducting my annual recurrent training with Freedom Air since its inception. I took my check ride with and received my initial type rating from Devin MacDonald. I have subsequently trained and completed my recurrent with Devin each of the last five years. I find Devin and the entire staff at Freedom Air exceptionally knowledgeable, competent, and easy to work with.””
Meet Devin MacDonald, Chief Pilot
With more than 20 years of aviation experience, Devin is a passionate and deeply knowledgeable aviation professional committed to continually advancing the safety and skills of fellow pilots. He was introduced to the industry as a line service tech in high school and quickly moved on to flight instruction and working in airline operations. He transitioned to corporate aviation in 2007.
During his tenure with Eclipse Aerospace, he served as director of training and was extensively involved in the development of the AVIO IFMS system and the reintroduction of the Eclipse Jet.
Devin also served as director of operations for a part 135 charter company. He was appointed by the FAA as a Designated Pilot Examiner in 2012 and has extensive international charter, ferry and training experience. He is widely regarded as one of the most experienced and knowledgeable Eclipse pilots in the world.